July  2051

Hi Diary!
Okay diary! Today was the day I got
Thee JOB diary! It's with a new company 
Stellar Star Corp. I start  in 3 more
Days. I had a second interview with 
Bosses. And they liked me. I had
All those stellar credentials they wanted
I'm so excited can't wait  to tell Sheba!
He'll be home soon. Now I need to
Secure new apartment i have my sights
On. Yaya!

Date:  July 9,  2051

Yes diary you are my confidant. I can 
Write just about...well everything.
I love this! So I started my dream
Job. Well actually my dream job is
The job my THREE bosses have now.
I'll see to that in the future. I wonder if
They'll give me more responsibilities.
Or just a bigger part of the company.
I'll ask later. Much later
Haha! Oh Sheba is home! I so happy
And all enthusiastic. Sheba rubbed
My belly and I'm 5 months pregnant.
And I told Sheba I had the perfect
Job. He said, "Oh that's real nice
Dida uh are you sure you can handle
A full time thing and the baby?"
So Diary I don't know exactly how to 
React  to his face! Heeii! I thought I
Should kill him at some point in the
Wooo. In this contentious discussion!
He....he just is not understanding! What can I do. Maybe I have 
My sister or mother babysit. If he
Is not up to it. And that's what I said.
Oh ha! He was mad a little bit and
He escaped my anger. I said to his 
Back, "Dont be late for dinner honey."
Of course I Know he'll watch
 Walik and care for him. 

Last day in July  2051

Today at Stellar Star Corp was a
Good day. I could not stop thinking
I had Sheba of the brain uh! It has 
To be a known disease! So I learned 
Plenty. My supervisor is Damian 
Amadeus! Oh this will bea one interesting 
Job! Ha! Diary I hope this job last
A long long time! Ha! Sometime
Next month I'll be six months 
Pregnant. Can wait to see Walik's 
Little face. Every baby expression
Do new born babies have expressions?
Good night Diary.  I will have a big
Day tomorrow it's 9:15 at night now.