Dr Ford and Judge Hyde
Why do we feel increasingly difficult conflicts
create strong-rooted energy?
And depressingly BusinessAsUsual
distracted by runaway toxic chaos?
on my way to a deep rooted tree and shrub nursery
half-way across Connecticut's Route 1 made-over shoreline
my youngest NativeAmerican RightBrain son,
on the other side of our front seat view,
born without anything like a LeftBrain
uncivil spoken capacity for WinLose dominant review,
or even double-binding mutually recessive disassociation,
And I,
LeftBrain prattling on and on,
Ego focused,
Were listening to the Dr. Ford/Judge Kavanaugh,
wounded Dr. Jeckyll
and Judge Hide the Drunken Hormones,
Great Inquisition.
Guaranteed to produce LoseLose results
primarily for them
but also for their families
and what remains of a creative democratically-energized dream.
I was reminded of a quote from Sharon Blackie's
"The Enchanted Life:"
You can learn to belong anywhere...
if you choose.
It's an act of creation,
and like all acts of creation,
it's also an act of love,
and an enormous leap of faith.
Dr. Ford's choices were lauded
as not so much creative,
but civic minded,
even heroic.
But all these belong under a good faith-rooted umbrella,
for those who choose to find them.
As I listened to Judge Kavanaugh
and twittering Mr. Trump
self-chosen not to belong
but to rule over
and anyone they choose,
this bad faith lack of free restoring choice
felt more like an act of excruciatingly violent penetration,
psychological colonization.
And, like all acts of aggression,
choices to self-hate again later,
deny yesterday's failures and isolating woundedness,
fracturing today's acts of fear and anger
and uncivil
unsettling absence
of systemically eco-rooted mindfulness
A huge leap for them
and their extended historic families
and, to a more dispersed absorption rate
of disempowering arhythmic rheumatic hate,
into further vapidly empty
terrorizing pain
perpetrating bad faith
in this episodic failure of cooperative democracy
to restore peace
more than choose self-punishing injustice
and bad-faith fed and watered
by a culture gamely growing away from WinWin health
and toward toxic patriotic LoseLose
genocidal un-ego-logical
Why is it so difficult,
for civil-minded Dr. Fords,
to create and thrive positive balancing energy?
And how depressively Business As WinLose UnUsually UnCivil
for Judge Hyde,
however Kavanaugh or Trump
or any YangSupremacist
uncivilly misjudging
one and LeftBrain Dominant All,
to pierce with chaotic
runaway toxic
LoseLose annihilating
raping misconduct
of patriarchal uber-chaotic energy.
My youngest son,
riding next to me
on this gorgeous partly-cloudy
NewEngland early autumn day,
had no creatively rooted way
to say
how he was feeling
RightBrain belonging
to and with each spoken song of choice
and collective unchoice,
some courageously civil
and vulnerable
and transparent
and some penetratingly harsh
intolerant of our own chaotic weaknesses,
afraid of losing entitled Yang LeftBrain powers
to dominate RightBrain's cooperative restorations
of today's shallow-rooted rocky landscapes.