Dr Time's Dipolar Rant
What's up?
Thanks for this interview,
old man.
You are either blind or confused,
but probably both.
Well, thanks,
and I appreciate you as well.
Now, I understand you want to talk about human consciousness.
We comprehend your language as limiting human consciousness.
Now would that be the royal "we"
and are you assuming something about me,
about English,
or our entire LeftBrain dominant
verbal species?
Yes, although be careful not to confuse royalty
with cooperative governance.
Royalty is best democratized for universal
and global
and individual empowerment.
This is the subject of considerable ancient poetry
and wisdom.
OK, well,
how about a wide open question
and then you can just say whatever it is you
or we
want to say about human consciousness?
Was that your wide open question
or am I still waiting for it?
Apparently you are still waiting
because you are continuing to respond to my questions
with questions.
Yes, that's what I wanted to say
about the growth of human consciousness.
So, any other questions for me today?
I don't know how I got myself involved with you again.
You are the most ornery pedantic old fart I have ever met.
I resemble that remark
but it is not what I understand as an "open question."
What would you like to say about consciousness?
Thank you.
That reminds me of the grand opening of Book 1:
The Character of Tao,
entitled "On The Absolute Tao."
Let me try a post-millennial transposition
of Laotse's famous treatise:
Book 1: The CoArising DiPolar Character of Time
1. On Absolute Time
The Time that can be spoken
Is not comprehensive time;
The Languages that can be given
Are not fully PolyPathic-Real
resolved information,
or fully felt understanding.
Not-Not Binomiality is the origin of "Universe" and "Earth";
Language-Logos-Left hemisphere
proposes to the Right-hemispheric EarthMother
of Unitarian Nutrition Systems.
Left speaks ego's anthroprivileged voice
to Right's mute eco-centric dipolar co-arising feelings.
Oftentimes, humans purge themselves of ego's fear-of-death passion
In order to comprehend Life's Original Intent;
Oftentimes, Universal Time's comprehensive ecoconsciousness regards human co-passion
To rediscover its bilaterally eternal flowing form
from past into this present
re-membering future's past.
This binomial--yin's secret future time
with yang's manifest past time--
is one naturally equivalent bilaterally co-arising cycle of consciousness;
Yin-Future and Yang-Past are given different names
When human language explains their bilateral manifestation
in the present
as polypathically binomial
"not not yet"
"not not now".
Future "not not yet" with Past Polynomial-Yang empowered Information
we language through Present's comprehensive consciousness,
Logos-Mythos ReConnection
PermaCultural ReGeneration:
Stretching across Future's Omega Point
down and into Deeper Ecology
Is the Risk and Opportunity Paradox
of Ego's optimizing LoveLife within Earth's Balancing ReBirthing Death.
Wow, that sounds really deep Dr. Time
but some of us are really busy trying to get through our day
so if you're done
I'll submit this
but don't expect too much by way of positive outcome
cause that was really out there in the ineffectiveness department.
You sound disappointed.
Let's just agree that comprehensive consciousness
seems to lack sufficient informational articulation
to change how I feel about you,
for example.
I suppose that's why we call it "comprehensive."
So, let's try redirecting fear about future deaths
and anger about past deaths
by including both ourselves and our environment
discovering what anger at,
fear about,
oneself can teach
our present
risk v opportunity consciousness.
What does your present conscience show you
about your justified anger at others,
past events,
significant others;
What does fear about others,
and your future,
teach you about love and kindness
needed for yourself AND
these others,
as a co-arising correlated relationship through time?
When future-fear and past-anger say
"I don't have time for you."
future-love and past-kindness coincidentally say
"I regret not having enough time for us."
When past-anger says
"I don't have enough time for me."
future-love and past-kindness also say
"I regret not having enough time for me
to be with eco-us,
to invest in more comprehensive consciousness,
universal intelligence,
to "sit with the world,"
to re-create,
to co-create,
to co-incidate,
to Right-eco-recenter my Left-ego-identity."
When love and kindness say
"I have time for you"
future-fear and past-anger are also saying,
"I regret not having enough time for egocentrism."
future-love and past-kindness only speak within languaged consciousness
when present-tensing time is consciously dominant,
just as future-fear and past-anger only speak
with future and past tense timing tolerance.
Anger about past relationships
transactional events within time,
is also fear about replication within future's coincidental space
of present-tense comprehensive consciousness.
I'm feeling dizzy and light-headed.
You are dizzy and light-headed.
I just said that.
Binomially eternal time recycles
reconnecting revolutions
enlightening intuitive dipolar headed,
as ego turns to fly home to Right-brain root-bodied embrace
bilateral time regains this human face's natural healthy
root-systemic pace.
Too many words.
That's OK.
His royal commissioner accused Mozart of too many notes.
Both history and culture had their timely response.
Mozart still sings and dances
because he did not listen to repressive governance messages.
Too many notes, I'll never get this submitted in time.
Well, time doesn't wait,
but it doesn't leave any faster than it arrives.