Love Poem: Dreamescape
Andres Luis Bigote Avatar
Written by: Andres Luis Bigote


You're on my mind and in my heart
Together there we'll never part
In dreams we fly to distant lands
Brilliant sunsets, holding hands
Loving 'til the break of dawn
Sleeping in, writing songs 
Making sure your coffee's hot
Arise at noon...or maybe not
Lazy days, nowhere to be
At any time, except with me
A beach umbrella by the sea
Drunken goat, aged gouda, brie 

Look up, a plane is passing by
It's writing something in the sky
Two names connected, one pen stroke
Or in this case unbroken smoke
Now it's changing from a word
And forming into a bluebird
She's holding something in her claw
It looks like its a red guitar
She's soaring, gliding, how she sings
To music playing from the strings
Hold me always in your wings
And I will tell you pretty things