Dreaming of True Love
Deep with in our hearts
We all dream of true love
And how sweet it can be.
And we wonder if it will
Ever find us, or will we find it.
We get so lost in thought at
Times, and some times we
Just start crying, wanting to feel
The love we have always heard
About, thought about, the love we
so much craved deep within our
Souls. To be loved honestly, purely
Faithfully. And with open arms.
No secrets, no lies, just a love so
pure and true. A love that if I were
Blind id still see a sweet smile upon
Her face although I can not see.
A love that would let me hear her voice
Even though I was deaf, this is true love.
The love I have dreamt about all my life
The love I cried for, and would die for
Is there such a love ?