Dreams Are Like Memories
Things can change, stay the same
People change, drift away, die, and move.
Im one of those people
Who moved a long ways away,
We all drifted away from each other
Even the closest of friends, have changed.
Now we are close at heart but far at hand.
I love you dearly, but you've changed.
And, not exactly for the best...
You've become a monster, you dont seem to care.
About anything any more, you dont call.
You'd rather talk to him then me.
You've even said your self, you'd call every day
And that in your life I'm more important to you then he is
But it seems like I'm just a memory now.
But memories like dreams fade away the more you think about them
Dreams are like memories.
So if I'm just a memory,
Does that mean I was only a dream to begin with?