Dreams of a Liberal
I want to trust in other people,
That could be my biggest flaw,
Like God the Father, I am dreaming
All will come to love His law.
It’s sad to see so many people
Bogged down in their Hellish greed,
When fairness can extinguish fires of
Hateful and self-centered need.
The hallmark of a hopeful world is
Surely level playing field,
Not granaries of billionaires with
Monstrous wealth to hold and shield.
Those shouting loudest “I’ve got mine!” are
Likely earth’s most damaged souls,
Their “You get yours!” proves bankruptcy of
Heart, of mind, and servile goals.
Unknowingly they fan Hell’s flames, the
Very source of all their pain,
Pass laws to help them garnish more (while
Blithely drinking their champagne.)
There’s just one ending to this story
If our God exists at all,
Don’t deify a “Golden Calf” if
You propose to serve God’s call.
Long Tooth
January 1, 2017