Dripping Candle Glowing In the Frosty Snow
Everything around me is so dark,
only the frigid sky shows its hues...
as the cold robin flutters on the sill of my bright window,
to pick up the last breadcrumbs left by the ragged widow;
and she, with a cart full of gifts, is looking for kids
to give them to...as she seemed unable
to move around in her worn-out shoes,
and I surprisingly catch some sadness in her smile!
Dripping candle glowing in the frosty snow,
chase away every approaching shadow
from her tweedy, wind-blown coat,
to spread light on her gliding path:
where snow-drifts may reduce her sight!
Dripping candle glowing in the frosty snow,
let her kindness be remembered on this Christmas' Eve...
as we all share in that spirit of giving it all!
And I will remember her, too, in my joyous glee;
as she goes past the lamp-posts of each silent street,
humming her tuneful carol with a soul so spirited...
echoing the enthusiasm of a dashing child!
Dripping candle glowing in the frosty snow,
ask her if you can be her friend...guiding her on her journey;
dripping candle, brilliant with hope and light ,
make her joyfully smile down the snowy road of this Christmas' night
by letting all the bells of the gloomy town ring like they rang before...
when she went door to door to spread the season's good tidings,
and are those vivid memories reflected in her nostalgic and kind eyes?
Dripping candle glowing in the frosty snow,
don't die out...until her weeping face beholds Christ's glory,
and she can forever rest in His comforting arms!
Copyright 2008 by Andrew Crisci