Drowning In a Bottle
He lived his life in a constant full throttle.
Viewing everything through the bottom of a bottle.
Living in a world, that only appeared black and white.
In a world, he didn’t know wrong from right.
Looking through the bottom of a bottle, there is no light.
He would purposely stay in a perpetual haze.
He could not find his way through this chaotic maze.
He avoided sun and lived in the dark.
Ignorance is bliss without a spark,
to light the way to the arc.
Drowning himself day by day.
He felt there was no reason to stay.
One cold night he took his life.
Leaving behind a child and wife.
He left this world in the blink of an eye.
Living life through the bottom of a bottle caused him to die.
His memory lives on while we dream.
His soul is present like a never ending scream.
He is now at peace on his arc, safe from drowning and safe from the dark.
-Dedicated to J.T. Someone that will live in my heart forever and ever.