Drunk Love
take me home
where i could drink
the nectar's sweetness.
assuage my thirst
with love's splendor
the heart's chamber
overflowing honey.
sit on my heart
affectionate desire.
drink together
and sleep under
the crescent moon
a million stars studded the heavens,
I swoon.
crazy i allow
too much love.
intoxicated. drunk.
take my heart, rip it.
a lustful endeavor.
please forget not to sew
the rippings back together.
while i bathe upon the memory
'tis the moment
that i come alive.
play it back
mystified again
love is drunk.
(Note : My pieces lately seemed unfinished work of thought/art as this one
appears to be such. The words seem to vibrate, so I let them come out
naturally. Reality or imagined, it doesn't matter now. But, hopefully I could take
back a step for awhile and work on the style and art of words without defiling pure self-expression. Thank you for the great talents I find here at soup. Looking
forward to many learnings from y'all. I would highly appreciate any souper who
would like to mentor me from time to time. Soup mail me anytime. Thanks so
much. )