Dual Inward Curved V
Rainbow lips smiling shaped my joy
I heard birds of paradise singing
as she spoke
When she was asking me
for directions,
my thoughts got lost in translation
Such virgin beauty was foreign to me,
a battle-scarred heart
vegetated marching
to the skin war of the sexes drumbeat
I drank the poison potion before,
and died emotionally
A tempting pain elixir
that pleasure seeped into the belly —
It turned my legs to jelly,
had my dinner desires microwaved telly
Got my brain screaming: Whoa, Nellie!
Now I’m wondering,
what in the curved V is wrong with me
This dual repeat
is happening with much stronger
aorta telltale intensity
Inward prisoner of hope
got iron cell released
And I don’t even know her name, yet ...
But a baby ask
is gonna feed my curiosity
High pitch fever ~ daydream revelry
Helium infatuated new love
has inflated my dual inward curved V