Love Poem: Dying Love
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Written by: Mkanya Anele

Dying Love

.             Dying Love

A beautiful child conceived
to prevail the beauty of God's 
But right from the start
Secrets covered in a stiff cold 
On those cold winter days
When two hearts molded to one

She cultivated her mind, her 
for good seeds to be sown
He motivated the love by giving
promises as seeds
He suffocated the young love by 
his deeds
hoping that the child's future will 

Of all the promises sown in her 
only one got to be reaped
Sad regrets heaped in the poem 
you are reading now
Only if the words could save our 
baby love before she dies

One can only reap what he 
my reward is the death of my 
young love
Hush little baby, your father has 
been careless from the start
If there is anyone to blame
Your dad torn you apart