Each day...
A page freshly written
Across the face of time.
Each kiss...
A new excitement
To thrill and tantalize.
Each touch...
Caresses every moment
With silent words of love.
Each syllable...
Expresses the caresses
That I've been dreaming of.
Each tear...
Shines in joyous beauty
Through the sweetness of your soul.
Each smile...
Uplifts and brushes softly
Away the tears of solitude.
Each embrace...
Surrounds and protects my heart
From ever losing you.
Each stroll...
Brings us closer together
Upon our sacred paths.
Each star...
Shines brighter
To show our way at last.
Each night...
I will love you,
over and over, unabashed.
Each day...
I'm grateful for you
And ready to love again.
Each lifetime...
We'll find each other
And fall in love again.