Each Passing Cloud
Each Passing Cloud
Each passing cloud carries melancholy
of morose mind now venturing your sky.
No matter your mood be sad or jolly,
Feel my ardent ardor and leave a sigh.
Once my love you eagerly embellished.
Each passing cloud carries melancholy
of my mangled mind now shattered, tarnished.
Leave a sigh for my heart, humble - holy.
My heart once showered by your love fully,
now effaced by you , my rue soaring high.
Each passing cloud carries melancholy
of splintered heart just yearning for your sigh.
Once on vibrant passion floating in dream.
My blood bubbled by your crave thoroughly.
Now amour in clamour, desires in scream.
Each passing cloud carries melancholy.
03\08\ 23
Each Passing Cloud
Second Place
Contest by JCB Brul