Earth Governance
Discerning one's universal right of conscience
forms comprehensive unitarian consciousness.
Or so we future hope
recognizing self-governing justice requires trust
in each eternal past moment's empathic truth,
rooted back in organic time
anchored in universal consciousness,
bicameral intelligence,
systemic awareness,
multicultural understanding
Universal awareness is
as unitarian conscience does
Remembering, too, democracy requires trust
despite each individual's trauma
rooted in something more therapeutic
than mere personal salvation.
decision making,
our ego/eco binomial
LeftBrain logical planning and prioritizing,
cannot compassionately protect human RightBrain healings
without more inclusively protecting EarthRights
from AnthroWrongs
Any more or less than human nature optimizes
Earth's self-with-other reflective capacity.
A human right/left frame
without an EarthJustice eco-center
misses balancing liberating/conserving con-science
informed by truly universal consciousness.
Golden Rules advocate co-operation with all "Others,"
no exceptions exclude natural system Elders
bilaterally crown/root intelligent trees
and in/out-flowing rivers,
oscillating oceans
and co-passionate gravity,
lunar and solar fueled fertile systems,
progenitors of neuro-regenerative awareness.
Cooperative governance is our informed footprint,
including root-systemic powers
of voting with pivotal feet,
tipping through diverse directions,
co-erecting mutual consciousness.
Co-passion shapes shaded prints
toward future's self-sustaining
non-Othered peace.
Nature's footprint in yintegrity's time,
printed foot of co-prehension,
efficacious apprehension
All EarthTribes pray
for compassion's intimate reviews
not yet fully shared,
languages not yet sung,
functions not yet understood,
frequencies barely heard
flowcharts not yet felt
nor danced.
These muse views unshared
are also not yet shared,
not yet heard,
not yet listened to,
not yet understood,
not yet orthopracticed,
not yet co-prehended.
We thank sacred Earth
for compassionate views
co-operatively shared.
Grace re-faces therapeutic nutrients
con-science organically shared
with all neuro-systemic EarthTribes
EcoGreen begat AnthroRed
as primordial
concave time begat convex space,
bilateral reverse enfolding omnipresence
begat future's unfolding omnipotence,
polypathic unitarian synergy
engages ego/eco-perpetuating
healthy/wealthy universal
GoldenRuling co-governance.