Love Poem: Earthmother Teachout
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Earthmother Teachout

Earth offers outdoor organic classes
in Cooperative Health Proposal Design
and Revolutionary WinWin Research Writing
for restoring WinLeft/WinRight nutritional justice
and co-empowering bilateral peace.

Earth rises and sets permaculture designers
for ZeroZone Ego/Eco nondual-centric revolutions,
cooperative journal-writing and bodymind-map making,
Golden Rule health planning
cooperative wealth implementation
evolution/devolution/revolution/prevolution creolization
cooperative education/WinWin Rapture yet WinLose Addicted competitions
inviting Incarnators and grateful ReIncarnators
Substantiations reductively inside DiPolar Transubstantiations
NewBorn Egos within Extended DNA EcoOutdoor Family Classrooms.

WinWin EarthTribe communities and organizations,
social families and positive = not-squared negative energy individuals,
working together on personal Past through global Future Searches,
HealthWealth MindMap Research
uncovering past milestones,
recovering current millstones,
rediscovering future stepping stones
for creole soup hoping and tasting and reporting

Earth's WinWin political scientific outcomes
available to explicitly LeftBrain invite, notice, appreciate
Cooperative Business As Organically Usual without camouflage,
cooperatively-owned economic sciences
practice inclusive health-wealth research proposals
hoping for GoldenRule international cooperative
investments in Future WinWin CommonGround predictions
despite LoseLose unprivileged restrictive Past
Winter Reincarnation revaluations
of life-privileged Earth as 
PrimeIntegrity ZeroZone.

Four seasoned EarthMothers
facilitate Past Winters through Future PolyCulturing Summer 
research into Permacultural WinWin proposal designers
for ZeroZone Winter through Falling climate health restoration plans
to coinvest in cooperative caregiving and receiving
Golden DoubleBinding NonDualistic Invitations
resolutions supporting LeftBrain past predations
within RightBrain sacred EcoFeminist Prey
praying for green organic Ego/EcoPeace.

Healthy EarthParent team projects
notice WinWin Green with Red empowerment optimization
feels a vast sacred deal
like Black with NonDualistic WiseElder FirstNation
feminist ego/ecopolitical notnot White midwifery,
without quite so much patriarchal husbandry,
Through cooperative facilitation and co-investing research
sharpening Game-Systemic lifeskill-sets
for EgoHealth/EcologicalWealth Development

Proposals received by emerging
full PositivEnergy Democracy support organizations--
for both intrapersonal and interpersonal
co-empowering climates
of HealthLeft and WealthRight,
Synergy West patriarchal
born of Integrity-East
nondual matriarchal wombs
inviting both sacred light
and secular dualdark
night of matriarchal yin-fractal soul
inside notnot polypathic 
ZeroZone co-relationships
with PositivEnergy fuel
cooperatively self-governing FutureHealth predators
as also reincarnated passion-storied PastWealth prey,

as divinity's sacred integrity potential,
ego mortality
as ecoEarth WinWin immortality,
DNA's WinLose structure
as RNA's WinWin CoOperating WiseElder
Multi-ReGenerational ZeroZone 
SecularNature/notnot SacredSpirit
WinWin Intent.

Green optimizing research
lies midway between
Blue ecofeminist organic better farms and gardens
and Red Sacred Conservationists
of PositivEnergy BiCameral Love
as Green Grace
and Positive Red Climate Sky at Night,
sailor's aquamarine swimming delight
and turquoise ultra-violet empowering light
liberating rapture flight
ego/ecotherapeutic revolutionary release
polypathic awe as polyphonic might
outreach today's EarthMother's fight
for basic child and family unprivileged rights.