Love Poem: Easily Tempted
Andrew Crisci Avatar
Written by: Andrew Crisci

Easily Tempted

I declare that feeling rage is too awful and insane,
it's a trap we have fallen into one time or another;
we deceived, we lied and went much further:
when guilt stains our conscience we are done!

Easily tempted by a sweet glance,
does it excite us and full us with joy?
a dreamy guy will ask you to dance:
could he be an irresistible playboy? 

I have unusual, charming eyes to attract
women to me: they smile and never wait
to get kissed, touched and be in Paradise:
there there's no lack of an instant surprise! 

I'm easily tempted by a sweet glance,
do I pursue pleasure or romance?
Words and caresses can tell...
do they bewitch a weak will?  

I'm committed to honesty and faithfulness,
oh, elegance and beauty don't impress me;
I search for sincerity, for arms to own me:
I would surrender myself to nothing less!