East To West
Like a ship bound over
the seas lapping waves.
Or an eagles flight over
a mountain top shaves
the snow while passing
by with wings.
Where babbling brooks run over
they well up and all is calm
Somewhere one day we
will meet in the far distance.
A stance, a moment we will gaze
into tranquility with familiar embrace.
Where no more sorrow will have gain,
then we will hold hands and be at peace
like a chain that has bonded you and I.
Joy will break forth on a new tomorrow.
So parting be with no loss
we toss the loop of faith.
About two flames of beginning and ending.
From East to West someday to meet again,
between east and west.
A Place where casting lots will not cause us pain.
The bridge to you and me is over the east, west,
and made of love which is forever eternal.