Love Poem: Echoes Of Silence
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Written by: Abdul Sarker

Echoes Of Silence

In the quiet hush of the night's embrace, 
Where shadows dance and memories trace, 
I find myself lost in thoughts of you, 
Wondering if you feel it too.

If your silence lingers, a subtle plea, 
A whisper echoing, reaching me, 
In the depths of silence, I find a sign, 
That your heart still beats in rhythm with mine.

The words unspoken, a silent thread, 
Binding our hearts, where they were led, 
Through the depths of our exchanged emotion, 
Creating a timeless, endless ocean.

Each moment shared, a precious treasure, 
A symphony of love, beyond measure, 
And in the silence, I still can hear, 
The echo of the love we hold dear.

If your silence continues, a gentle token, 
Of the love and the bond unbroken, 
For in the quiet, our souls entwine, 
A testament to a love divine.