Love Poem: Echoes of the Heart: Is Like
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Written by: Jessica Cayocca

Echoes of the Heart: Is Like

Meeting you was like igniting a bomb site, consuming my body with fright yet holding on tight. 

  Finding you was like finding a single star in the sky, glistening like the twinkle in your eye. 
  Connecting to you was like connecting a serge,lighting up a city so bright.
   Liking you is like day turning to night, changing in due time yet feeling so right.
   Expressing to you is like expressing life, complex and unsure although knowing your alright.                  
   Loving you is like a ray of light, so happy, so bright it's like there's no one in site. 
   Spending my life with you would be like floating sky high, so free, so nice what a delight.