Economics of PanTheism
Deifying a great teacher
is also a great way to make some money,
to establish a new commercial market
selling redemption from fear and ultimate failure.
I find Jesus of Nazareth's gospel message richly nutritious
compelling and resonant
when I have full co-empathic faith
that he taught a Way for all individual humans,
and historical-cultural tribes,
to consciously comprehend Earth-natured life
as Sun-spirited love
co-arising crown/rooted hybrid compost
for eternal health and safety
of EarthTribe's co-creation,
Trees of PolyNomial Life as Not-Not Paradoxical Death
reversing Life as Time-DeGeneration.
This view, however, is a profoundly inclusive version
of our co-operative Golden Rule,
and its DoubleReverse Corollary,
"Be not as you would not have others
co-arisingly become, intend, and operate
against you."
While this is deeply rich wisdom
about our divinely humane opportunity and risk,
this wisdom can only optimize with neurodiverse inclusive intention
and will to co-evolve our own-with-Others'
win/win redemption
within each sacred EarthTribe
panentheistic moment of love life
as full-elational
co-empathic health.
Wealthy development of co-empathic love
grows cooperative inclusive political economics
of discernment and choice-making,
planning and development,
which cannot work effectively,
with optimal resonance and resilience,
within an overly commodified,
deductively divided,
anthroprivileged monotheistic market,
driven by bottom line fear of inhumane death
as loss of timeless EarthTribe now,
rather than loving a healthy rebirthing
neurosystemically functional
reverse-embryonic process
back into deep co-elational TransParent nest
from which Sun enlightenment
and Earth empowerment
co-empathically emerged
convex monotheistic light
and concave panentheistic dark.
Jesus as God.
Perhaps only possible
when HolySpirit
is panentheistically co-present
at hand,
now as always,
cooperating our slow-growth political power relationships
as co-arising economic transactions
of pleasure health
for Beloved Bodhisattva compassion wealth.
Wealth of Eartheistic
0-soul neuro-receptors
health caring
EarthTribal wealthy
and sacred humanity.