Ego Speaks For Yangyin History
Most everything I learned about the history of evolution
feels colored by Julian Jaynes' theory of language
and culture
and history
and icons of ecological systems
and co-relational functions,
forms and frequencies,
rhythms and ironic, ionic
win/win polyvagal
bilateral transparency.
This is not something peculiar to Jaynes
or even to DNA-syntaxed cultural Memory,
flowing back to Elder Right EarthBody ecoroots
of neurosystemic cooperative therapy and health,
DNA/RNA EarthTribe solidarity
through mutual political/economic Left/Right bicameral solidarity,
a regeneratives-only need apply globally nutritious
win/win revolution.
When I think back
through RNA's original prime relationship,
normative gestalt
for fractal-seasonal-temporal ecosystemic development,
I see Ego's God of ReGenerating Truth
as both Earth's RNA polyculturally inclusive SunLight
and Mother's DNA-embryonic
Open Systemic
Universal Timeless Folding/UnUnFolding CoGravitating Moment,
incarnating (0)-soul Basic Trust,
Bilateral SunLight Dominant
EarthPower Prominent
co-empathic compassion.
Jaynes presents the emergence of a polypathic puzzle
as Ego's humane/divine balancing vocation,
assigned by RightBrain bilateral-temporal-aptic/synaptic Elder
cousins and plants,
energy flows and synergy functions,
fractal forms and octave-frequencies
emerging time's bilateral,
four seasoned, four dimensioned, dialectically reasoned,
and logos-languaged
wokeness of healthy- wealth confluence v. cognitive-affective dissonance,
chronic temporal distress
of RNA/DNA solidarity-normed ecotherapy
Earth's ego/ecosystemic TimePrimed crown/root sacred system
emerging back to BlackHole timeless
TransParent win/win
SunLight/EarthPower (0)Mega Point
of ReGenerative Revolutionary-Synergetic Origin.
Well, that's the way this LeftBrain dominant Ego
reads Jaynes back through pre-bicameral history,
but could this be a way of seeing
our humane/divine history as decomposing itself,
in reverse of LeftBrain emergent dominance
as indigenous EgoAnthroCentric memory
For processing RNA's original regenerative development
cooperative embryonic project,
to emerge Exterior Landscape/Interior Seascape
as Ego/EcoSacred co-gravitating passion.
Well, OK,
there are a lot of paradigmatic nests
in BiCameraln YangYin's ecologically emerging nutritious soup.
But, essentially this evolving Ego
suggests to your revolving Ego/Eco
Interior/Exterior co-enculturing health-outcome agenda
that compassion empathizes
through open systemic genetic codex,
restricted solely by harmonic dipolar balance
to Great Transition
back toward LeftLiberating Mind-RightConservating Body
mutually subsidiary
political enlightenment
and economic empowerment
co-passionate win/win pleasures.
EgoLeft-with-EcoRight evolution is both physical and metaphysical,
both present neurosystemic experience
and love of regenerative futures,
etching synapses
and aptic-basic PrimeRelationship of DiPolar Solidarity
deep in ecobiosystems
of HealthEnculturing CoArising Revolution.
Perhaps Jaynes did not anticipate
what emerges up,
in tipping point equi-valent healthy balance,
invites us to breathe back out again
toward PostMillennial LeftRight BiCameral ReGenerating Balance,
reconnecting with wisdom of Elder Right's SunGod and EarthGoddess
TransParent panentheists of Heaven-inspired ecosystems
playing a more PermaCulturally CoOperative
WinWin Solitairity Game
with DNA/RNA Fractal PrimeTime Presence,
erupting Golden DiPolar SpaceTime 4D CoRelationRatio,
then Golden Diastatic Logos Rules of ReGenerative Systemic Health,
then Golden Elixir of EcoRegenerative Health/Wealth
Internal/External Landscape co-arising designs and plans,
embryonic developments of organic MotherEarth,
flying and swimming and surfing
through SunGod's co-gravitational revolutionary fields
and forms and functional flows
of primetime Tao co-elation.
In right/left relationship
with both full and absent unitarian/universal landscape,
each will declare
beloved global cooperative community
as Ego has emerged from this Absent EcoOther
History predicts future
only as each and all so resolve,
and co-resonate,
co-emerge this WinWin advent
of revolutionary Ego/EcoSolidarity.
Listening together,
with deductive-dipolar bicameral ears,
then speaking with polypathic dialectical confluence,
then acting more regeneratively healthy and safe
with each DNA/RNA Codex Creation Story,
ending without fear and anger
but absorbing synergetic limitless
timelessly open regenerating
diastatic-climaxing in/ex-tegrity.
Ego's every transition moment
potential CoPresent culminating NOW
into history's co-gravitating
great-transition memory
of dualdark aptic/resonant-synaptic embryonic Time,
to bless and/or curse dreams and days
of those you will so partially leave behind,
to regenerate as needed
for healthier compost-wealthy
panentheistic futures.