Love Poem: EL NO SABER



There are things that we have in mind that sometimes we believe them so much to the point of not listening to other voices that do not support what we believe today. There are cases which lead us to think that we are already more than prepared to give our opinion. opinion, we are prepared to stick out our chests and say or do simply with the hope that they can see how we do not express ourselves on topics that not everyone has the knowledge that we have and that feels wonderful when everyone pays attention to us in such a way. We are the life of the party and there are people who, more than just love being like this, would like to be like this all the time simply with the desire to have attention, and the question is: And when they are not the center of attention, how do they feel? Hahahaha that happened to a young woman whose topic was Love and when you listened to her speak you concentrated so much that you forgot about time and the minutes passed and nothing worried just about listening to her speak but one day she met a boy and They began to relate in a beautiful way, they connected and as time passed on a beautiful starry night, the girl and the young man talked about things about love (the girl's main theme) and the girl spoke and the boy listened attentively and from one moment to the next the The boy stops her and asks her and you have given yourself over to love and the girl says yes and tells him the sad story that she, a story that she still carried on her shoulders (the story is the real reason why she talks so much about love ) and the boy, listening to her attentively, tells her that you study, talk and research so much about talking because you want to be prepared to never carry the pain of love on your back again, remember no matter how much you study, the day that love gives you I want to put it on its knees, no matter how much you read and prepare yourself, because in this youth you will see everyone except love. I just want you to know that it is not good for you to protect yourself from feeling pain in the midst of love, because yes or yes, one day You will have to feel it because in love not everything is joy, remember that pain is what drives us towards improvement in every environment and even more so in love... young people today do not know or know if they are prepared to understand that It is love that is why so many failed marriages, why so many courtships are destroyed and why so many people want to know about love but the environment does not allow them. Don't try to understand love, don't try to know love, remember that love is beyond our minds and if it wants to bring us to our knees, it will do it by hook or by crook.
There are things that we want to understand but neither the knowledge nor the environment does not allow us to advance in such a way of understanding what we are looking for, we are in a time when trying to talk about love is a reason for rejection, we are in a time that does not want to know about love and we are in a time in which love itself hides from us so as not to have to see how it is misused…..if you want to understand love, just act without ties, just act without limits and just live with the desire to give everything for everything because love It's giving all or nothing, half doesn't work
12/29/2023. 1:50 ??