Elle To Abe
How cryptic would I have to be to get this off my chest
One score and yet it seems like yesterday it was the best
Most simple feeling that a girl could ever come to realize
A moment and a smile, gone and lost in big, sea-colored eyes
Ill-fated from the start, but gotta hand it to us kids
Who tried and failed and tried again, a love that popped the lids
Off every pressurized container of some crucial expectation
Hand in hand we walked a path of gorgeous ruination
Thrashing in the beating light
Floating through the haze at night..
Swimming through the sound of a Revolver…
We heard each other speak, though not a single word was uttered
Do you wonder what I wonder?
On the times that split in two
One path that leads me here
And one that leads me straight right back to you
Oh yes, sometimes I wonder if the fates have just been tryin’
To make you my Billy Crystal and make me your sweet Meg Ryan
So long from now
So long for now
Its fun to stay and play
With these daydreams of a time that coulda-woulda’d in charming way
Straight into my own beating heart, dancing to a tune
Oh sweet melody, sweet beat and rhyme
Hold tight and take me to the moon
Yes, whisper me a promise that I still could hold the key
To a world that never will become, where you’re still holding me
Some blameless vestal never that I was
The shackles of insipid bliss could never give me cause
To laugh or love or live or cry or scream
Or give any of the signals that my life is real and not a dream
Eternal storm cloud of the spotted mind
Your turmoil more belov’d by me for all that you’ve divined
Of the flavors that make life all worth the living
The painful truths and hard earned proofs, the taking and the giving
Ask me once, just once, if I’d go back and change it all
Would I unburn every bridge we torched or rebuild every crumbled wall?
I may as well be asked if I’d sell off my precious soul
In exchange for heady smoke and glitt’ring mirrors, all that would console
Those gasping for reprieve from all the spice and fire and life and light
Illusion, sweet illusion that what’s wrong is wrong and right is right!
So know this, that I often think
If even a thousand miles could sink
If even a thousand years could make me blink away the mem’ries
Of some distant love that made me gaze up to the stars in wonder
Of some reckless love that charged the world with tearing us asunder
And could I ask once more if you do wonder what I wonder
Or if I’m the only fool to bare in rhyme this mortal blunder
Of looking back if only for vain curiosity
Yes, I do know better than to ask the crime to gaze on me
Once more as in those sweet immortal times that we’ve forgot
If for nothing more than that my reverie is not for naught