Embracing the Soul
The sun is hammering down on my face.
Memories that move across a puzzling place.
Smooching all the way back down to my skin.
My cheeks are flushed with tears from the past.
My greedy spirit is taught by a glorious blast.
An ovate calm circle springs to mind tips.
I plunge forward into the crimson abyss.
Freed my caged heart from its custody.
Fearful people have shelter from the world.
In my quest, I am ushered by the primal words.
Mounted shadily on a huge salt-staining rock
Looking toward the abyssal distance bloc.
White shades blend with galaxies and light.
A vibrant brushstroke boson over the skyline.
Sky and the ocean in a lover's arms and whine.
Written: March 20, 2022