Love Poem: Empress of the Night
Edward Wraith Avatar
Written by: Edward Wraith

Empress of the Night

Empress of the Night

Veiled in the moon’s ethereal grace,
She emerges from her shadowed place.
A crown of black roses adorns her brow,
Each thorn a reminder of the pain she must avow.

In the moonlit meadow’s misty embrace,
In the air, night-blooms leave a lingering trace.
Beneath the silver glow, a symphony of leaves,
As whispers weave a haunting melody, through the trees.

Draped in smokey shadows, her gown gently sways,
Echoing secrets of the night, in a misty haze.
Her raven hair, a river of midnight flow,
Beckons with its seductive, silken glow.

Her corset’s flattering grasp ignites passions bright,
A binding spell cast under Luna’s pale, blue light.
Captivated by her obsidian eyes,
I’m drawn into depths where mystery lies.

In the swirling abyss of a starless night,
Desires stir deeply, this enchanting sight.
She is Eleanor, Empress of midnight’s embrace,
Cursed by ancient gods for her bewitching beauty and grace.

Perched beside her is Sidien, a raven of mythical lore,
With feathers as dark as onyx core.
A faithful companion, steadfast and wise,
Guiding her through the darkness with resolute eyes.

Her beguiling smile, a seductive lure of sin,
I’m ensnared, longing to taste the poison within.
Her plush plum lips, drawn into a sinister grin,
A dangerous temptation, a dalliance with sin.

Within the darkness, she reigns supreme,
A gothic beauty in a haunting dream.
To love her is to court the flames of Hell,
Yet I’m helpless, captive in her seductive spell.

Desire’s fire may sear this tender heart,
Lest love’s sweet poison rends my soul apart.
