Love Poem: Enchanted
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Written by: Joel Apeede


Deeply enchanted by the things you call flaws
My spirit levitates at mere sight of you
Doing things you call normal.
Like when you rise and set,beaming like the sun though out the day.
Or when you slumber gracefully, and your face moonlights the world
Yes you get hit by meteorites, yet here you 
Are, still spinning 
Lost in the universe you call your life
Yet I find myself being guided on how
To love you by the maps you call scars
I find my self deeply invested in every
Fragment and detail of what makes you
Is it love?  addiction? Or a mix of the two
Or am I just addicted to loving you?
Is this possession or devotion, or 
Am I devoted to being possessed by you.
If iam to find my self vanishing into oblivion
May you be the world unknown
                                 ~for athieno