Love Poem: Encouragement - Double Acrostic

Encouragement - Double Acrostic

E ach new day is a rare chance at LifE
N ot merely an accident, lightly takeN.
C onsidering death is our cul de saC
O ur obvious Fate, that may be sO.
U se each moment to bless all round yoU
R emember on earth, you won't stay foreveR.
A lways bring Kindness as a sort of mannA
G race your words with love as a blessinG.
E very moment holds  an opportunity therE
M any are hurting and with words you can touch theM.
E ven across the miles,  Goodness knows no fencE,
N ow is the time for Man's care to be giveN.
T ruly as the night comes,  you will sleep in contentmenT.

Cynthia Buhain Baello
July 25, 2012