Endearing Elements
Strong like a tree deeply rooted in the earth
We’ll remain… like a rock, God is our strength
We are safe in the hollow of God’s holy hand,
Living in a lovely land, we’ll fear no sinking sand.
Weather the wind blows our tender tree
Even if storms swings our silent… sea,
Our love will only bow to the blue breeze
We’ll sail sweetly… we will try to squeeze
Look into my eyes it’s filled with fire
For you my love… a daring desire
My heart is hot steamed on a sincere stove
I’m on fire for my angel… sent from above
This fire of ours can be quenched by many waters
On streams or sea… our love will fill all quarters
With you by me we can sail safely on the… Nile
Sharing love and life in every nautical mile
The earth was build to accommodate the water
Wind and fire…love was brought them together.
~Just relating earth wind fire and water to love!~