Endless Chorus of Tears - Diana Ross Tribute
Her life turned upside down, endless chorus of tears,
jilted she hoped he would stop in the name of love.
What was once endless love was now songs full of fears.
Her baby love left her lost like a lonesome dove.
Jilted she hoped he would stop in the name of love,
pleaded you are my everything, remember me.
Her baby love left her lost like a lonesome dove,
suffering from crushed love hangover agony.
Pleaded you are my everything, remember me,
will a time come when you tell me that you love me?.
Suffering from crushed love hangover agony,
cried out it's my turn now to drift into the sea.
Will a time come when you tell me that you love me?.
asked do you know where your going to with my heart?
Cried out it's my turn now to drift into the sea,
hoping for this good morning heartache to depart.
Asked do you know where your going to with my heart?
Who will touch me in the morning so tenderly?
Hoping for this good morning heartache to depart,
wished one shining moment would save her destiny.
Who will touch me in the morning so tenderly?
Told him I'm still waiting and will all of my life.
Wished one shining moment would save her destiny,
but his reflections only caused her further strife.
Told him I'm still waiting and will all of my life,
ain't no mountain high enough for love's surrender,
but his reflections only caused her further strife,
said I'm coming out, tired of being a pretender.
Ain't no mountain high enough for love's surrender.
Chain reaction of truth hurts, increasing the strain.
Said I'm coming out, tired of being a pretender,
she burnt her old piano, to stop bleeding pain.
Chain reaction of truth hurts, increasing the strain.
What was once endless love was now songs full of fears.
She burnt her old piano, to stop bleeding pain.
Her life turned upside down, endless chorus of tears.
Silent One
31 March 2018
Challenged by Mike Gentile to write a pantoum with song titles by Diana Ross.
This is a pantoum uses 21 song titles by Diana Ross. Song titles are listed below and highlighted in bold in the poem.
The poem has 12 syllables and rhymes, which are not pantoum requirements, but increases the challenge.
Ain't no mountain high enough
Endless love
Baby love
stop in the name of love
I'm still waiting
Do you know where you're going to
I'm coming out
Touch me in the morning
My old piano
It's my turn
When you tell me that you love me
good morning heartache
chain reaction
remember me
all of my life
you are everything
love hangover
upside down
one shining moment
The pantoum consists of a series of quatrains rhyming ABAB in which the second and fourth lines of a quatrain recur as the first and third lines in the succeeding quatrain; each quatrain introduces a new second rhyme as BCBC, CDCD. The first line of the series recurs as the last line of the closing quatrain, and third line of the poem recurs as the second line of the closing quatrain, rhyming ZAZA