Endless Dawns
Like a flower swaying in the breeze
She floated towards me in fragrant beauty,
Her eyes met mine and I felt a spark
Which could ignite a thousand stars
Our eyes twinkled in the moonlight,
Our heartbeats were a dulcet melody
Love was our eternal journey,
As we walked on golden moonbeams
Yet I was not prepared for detours
which were hidden in the dark,
I fell from the moonbeams,
And saw love's twinkle fading
As I landed in no mans land,
drifting in a loveless sky
I tried to find my way out of its realm
of tears and sorrow, but I remained lost.
Then dawn came, and I stumbled out of the pain
Only to wait once more for a flower swaying in the breeze
And journey once again on a moonbeam called love
And awaken to hear dawn whispering to me;
' Sometimes Love is not enough'
Sometimes Love is Not Enough Contest
Sponsor: Silent One