Endless Fight
How many people were born today?
How many people were dead today?
How many people were getting injured?
How many people were moving murdered?
How many people are in a race?
How many people are facing grace?
How many people are working hard?
How many people are playing just card?
How many people are fell in love?
How many people had broken a jab?
How many people have wanted to live?
How many people are digging a grave?
How many people are coloured and white?
How many people have a religious fight?
How many people are fighting for a problem?
How many people are helping for a solution?
How many people are suffering for peace?
How many people are moving for a lace?
How many people are degraded and defaulted?
How many people were punished and halted?
Endless fight is moving to achieve,
Endless aims are forcing for grieve,
Time is passing and achieving what a man?
Food and drink is only a living fan.