Entry-Heaven's Door-Way
As Life here.. as we know it
Some given time
We all must face
Time after time
We Loose..
Our Loved ones so dear
But do not fear..
For tis just an entry-way
on to Heaven's Door-way
Tho.. as we all know
Those whom..
are left behind
We all miss Our Loved ones..
But.. in God's Time
Realize.. We too..
Shall soon
all be-together again
As when my momma
Passed away..
Tears.. of pain..
came that day
But as I know..
Lord.. Revealed unto me..
I shall see her again
In Eternity...
Make sure.. all your Loved ones
Knows Jesus.. then yes..
They too.. be Saved and Prepared
Then shall be together again
All in God's Timing...
Tell everyone about our Father's Son
So they too.. can.. be Saved and Prepared
For Eternity..
Come to Jesus..
Then when time be..
God shall restore you and me
With Him.. and see our Loved one
Again.. Forever to be
You can not rush.. Time in Life.. as is
tis time shall always be.. In God's Timing..
He choose Time to be born
Time to go.. through Entry-Heaven's Door-way
No one really knows when time shall be
When someone.. leaves this world..
Only God knows
God's Glorious moment for us all.. Eternity