I am an obsessive, possessive compulsive
Besotted by your flawed brand of perfection,
My love for you is a grasping fist -
Crushing you, slowly suffocating,
Squeezing the breath - and the resistance –
from your lungs, from your soul…
Constriction breeds subtle friction,
You flail now and then like a landed fish,
But you can’t escape me darling…
You can’t get away because you don’t want to,
Your willpower has corroded, has eroded to dust
I am your heroin, killing you softly as the old song goes,
Caressing your heart into fatal submission…
Oh I don’t deny, sometimes the drug wears off,
And you have a bad trip -
Sometimes my whip lash fails to strike…
And your dormant defiance rises with bullish temerity…
Sometimes I nearly lose my hold, and the fist weakens, flaccidly…
Then I have to rein you in and force a harsher bit between your gritted teeth
Ha ha, oh yes, it can be a cat and mouse game, this romance,
A tenuous balance of shifting powers,
Like tectonic plates, seething beneath the surface…
The scales tip seductively in your favor, then in mine -
Sometimes your fingers slip round my throat,
The manacles of my love asphyxiating…
Sometimes I lead you by the ring in your nose, my bovine beauty –
Sometimes it all becomes too much, like black waters rising,
Closing over my humble head,
And I start to choke…to drown…
But in the end, my fingers are locked round your heart,
And if I go down – baby, so do you