I was strolling I was sitting
in the park alone on
on a lazy a cold bench
afternoon, throwing
feeling the crumbs to
sun on my the pigeons
face and the thinking of
sadness in how lonely
my heart they seemed
when I saw you.
Our eyes met
and it seemed
like the world
stopped, just
for a moment.
I blushed Your eyes
and turned sparkled green
my eyes iridescence,
from you, as you turned
embarrassed your head,
by my thoughts. your cheeks
You were so flushed warmly,
handsome "Was that
huddled in for me?"
your long I just kept
overcoat walking too
with the wind afraid to talk to
tickling your hair. such a beautiful girl.
Then like lightning
it hit me. I turned
to you and said, "Hi."
How funny it was,
like it was meant
to be, as we spoke the
same word together.
I sat beside Your smile
you and we warmed me
talked for as you
awhile as if laughed at
we were my silliness
old friends, and I felt
but more. feelings
I listened to that I had
your sweet never known
voice as you before. It was
gently touched like my world
my arm, was new,
and I felt the joy
of you, and knew
at that moment
you and I were
meant to be.
I would give my
life to you and
our minds,
our hearts
and our souls
would be forever