Erotic Mystery
Erotic Mystery
Lionel Derbyshire
The morning smells like roses
The night is left behind.
Two bodys rolling over organs
Waiting and slithering close
There are no walls
To divide kisses
Hearts are erotic
Love is rage.
The ecstasy starts
Bodys grow stiff
Parts are pouting.
Honey flowing streaming
Fearing no caveats.
The morning smells like roses.
The sheets they slip
Sharp nails etch
Every blue vein in ire
Crying deep.
The lips rapture
The seduction myteriously.
The eyes are close
Hearts are pounding ,
Cupid is in loving brace
such like Eros in blythe
And Aphrodite just lushes about.
Or am I just ..
Swirling bordeaux.