Eternal Love
kissing your lips is like falling into a bed of flowers
you use them lips to talk to me on the phone for hours
the very thought of your lips touching mine
runs shivering chills up my spine
the thought of your soft passionate kisses, get me through a long hard day
and I wouldnt want it any other way
your intimate kisses are what I totally yern for
and what I couldn't enjoy anymore
The feeling of your arms around me brings such pleasure
you are truly one person who I will forever treasure
If this isn't love I couldn't imagine what could be
and I couldn't create any other guy that's so perfect for me
When I tell you I love you I speak nothing but the truth
and I want you to always rememeber that I am always here for you
you have truly touched my soul with all your love...
You will always be my one and only WUV!!!