Love Poem: Eternal Love
Dr. Padmashree  R P Avatar
Written by: Dr. Padmashree R P

Eternal Love

The gentle desert wind carries the sweet scent of roses, where deep longing truly grows.

My heart spins like a whirling twister dancing, taking flight, searching restlessly for light. 

Under the moonlit night sky, a haunting flute plays, each note a prayer, expressing a love that cannot be silenced.

This earthly echo of divine love burns in my soul like a fire that will not fade away.

With every step across the shifting moments, my spirit longs for that guiding celestial hand.  

The Beloved awaits within the whirling sandstorm, calling me to surrender to this warm, embracing love.

Though shadows fall, obscuring what I seek, faith lights my path, an unspoken voice guiding me.

In the silence, whispers fill the air, "The heart's true home is a matchless love beyond compare."

So let me whirl like a lost twister in this graceful dance, finding my rightful place in this loving embrace.

For in this love, all boundaries dissolve, my soul found peace in this story that will eternally unfold.