Love Poem: Eurydice and Her Moonbeamed Tresses
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Written by: Panagiota Romios

Eurydice and Her Moonbeamed Tresses

Why in his presence, did her soft heart, always like  sweet 
cotton candy melt?
Orchestral songs engendered the tenderest feelings, to her 
heart, so aquamarine velvet.

Such starlit, subtle, shameless, suggestive glances!
An antennae in every way was she, inviting kaleidoscopic, 
tsunamic romances.

On the fog cradled ship, with a cape of fog, blessing her 
chiseled,moonbeam face, 
His arms enclosed her in a velveteen gold, cuddled in his
silent, starshine embrace.

Oh, poetess, penning of feelings of deep intimacy.
Your poem, will be stamped “romantic “?
A term, you loathe and find so very meaningless and worse, 
utterly curt and disgustingly pedantic!

But only a poet who knows your heart to its scarlet
inner flaming core,
Has the outstanding bravissimo to knock on your truly 
insatiable, heart’s-door! 

Dare he try his wings and wish for such magically,
exotic, sensual satisfaction?
Wrapped in those twilight, wild, moonbeamed curls 
of Eurydice’s Olympian extraction!
