Evolving Days and Revolving Nights
I guess the candidates and polity saying "no"
to Earth's human refugees
during this their Thanksgiving time,
did not finish their Darwin biographies.
While endosymbiotic evolution,
indigenous to any one species,
can devolve to survival of the fittest,
this is most likely in these times
of ecosystemic crisis,
especially problems of monocultural over-population,
resulting in Systemic Trauma Disorder
an emotional response to cognitively dissonant
threatening cultural stimuli,
high anxiety plus high dissonance populations
suboptimize our regenerative health
through Win-Lose survivalist assumptions
and strategies of more competitive logistics
than co-operative ego/eco-logic.
ectosymbiotic evolution,
exogenous to any individual
species or tribe
or nation
or religion
or culture
or ecosystem
or biosystem,
supports thrival of the most interdependently balanced,
harmonious relationships,
between organically symbiotic systems.
Ectosymbiotic win/win revolution
and endosymbiotic win/lose evolution
are both symbiotic,
but ecto tends to have more co-passionate
inclusively rich polycultural regenesis trends.
Symbiosis is synergetics,
Positive Systemic Development,
co-operative and co-arising,
negatively correlated with
dissonance and stress,
Anthro-centric unbalance,
too LeftBrain Yang-dominant,
competing health-wealth issues,
rather than default co-operative
integral synergetic symbiosis.
This is Darwin's
Cooperative Beloved Community understory
for an organic plant,
a biosystemic person
an ecosystem's population
a nation's or religion's
or any enculturing system's
exquisite design of co-arising relationship
Enthymematic co-communication
within and between RNA/DNA-syntax,
speaking in voices of time's seasonal-reasonal
folding and unfolding;
an understory omitted
by Business As Usual monocultural narratives,
scientific academia,
rather than sacred creation story-tellers
of deep ecology.
Yet, what we too often miss in Darwin's notes
and drawings,
and life,
are also logical assumptions common to two mathematicians,
Buckminster Fuller and Charles Eisenstein,
prime dissonant double-binding temporal-boundary
between competing dominant cultural economies (proton v negelectron)
is where we choose to draw our line
of neutronic co-gravitational thermodynamic balance,
around us-inside v. "them"outside.
If "us" is only
non-marginalized human success stories
within our nation's
or religion's
geometric spacetime boundaries,
then Business As Usual Universalists
intend to defend
this relativistic,
yet overly commodified,
monolithic and monochromatic monoculture,
until this ecosystem wilts and fades
dissonates and decomposes
for lack of fuel,
to become fuel,
nutrients, health
clean air and water
into confluent absence
(yet still bilaterally timelessly relational)
of 4-dimensional primal-neural spacetime.
when "refugees"
are also "us,"
if "us" includes all mutually-parasitic subsidiary forms
of RNA/DNA regenerative health intelligence,
then we choose to co-mentor refuge,
already a Polycultural Party
seeking a more inclusive
cooperative self-governance economy
refugees and refuge-providing interdependent parasites
call ourselves "Beloved Community"
both hunter and haunted together,
predator and prey,
stimulator and responder,
Polyculturally Climax Optimizating dreams of paradise grandeur
health sustainable symbiotic guilds,
subcommunities within global networks,
nondual co-arising spirited nature
co-gravitational bicameral landscape design
and metaphysics of health development,
oh yes,
EarthTribal beautiful relationships,
proportional barter transactionalists
and cooperative network developers,
co-mentoring regenerators.
Extract from
"Incubating Permaculturing Seeds and Embryos, as Political Economies:
Sit-Up-And-Listen Comedy."
Gerald Oliver Dillenbeck
giving thanks for refuge from overly-competitive,
and egocentric,
and anthrocentric,
Longing for an Arabian
full-moon night of mystical enlightenment
in the District of Columbia,
following the health practices
and co-invested wealth intent
of all fifty polycultural partying
co-operative states.