Exceptional Individuals
Exceptional individuals
are called by God
to lead lost souls to Him;
and the words they speak
are truthful and bold;
and they never lose heart...
when they are tossed by a storm:
their faith greater than doubts!
God speaks to them and they obey,
changing the course of human history;
and when chaos and confusion threaten their safety,
a promise is made into them:
to live by compassion and integrity...
until wonders and miracles will amaze them!
Many have gone into sleep,
rejecting the message of salvation,
another chance for redemption...
to awaken their dead spirit;
and while they treaded the paths of endless fear...
those exceptional individuals could have ended their despair!
And, with perished thoughts ,
they wait in their grave to hear
the angels' trumpets announcing the hour...
with a hope never lost to eternity;
they will be raised to life by God's infinite mercy,
and be judged in the presence
of those exceptional individuals
who were saved by Christ's blood at Calvary!