Extraneous by Ragner Dylan Pokorney
It's sad when your bed is twice your size
It's misery, when your coffins bigger
Left here as Ner'er-do-well
Nervy and full of nettle
Neglect never wanted
Nor I never wanted to give
On a day excused from moving forward-
In that fair moment, exempt from time
It may last a soul's width
In which a soul's width has no measure
The evasion of humiliation
Will only leave us vacant
'Outlandish,' spoken to the radish
Whom keeps under the ground
Our time has been the best part
May our spirits spread
and haunt these places, while our bodys rot
Find the spots, in which we vacate
Far after we have gone
Those nervous quivers again
You try to shake them, in an attempt to break them
More life till death do we part
I can feel a breeze blowing through
And it scares me
It scares me, that it feels like fall today