Fables and Labels
Put loving labels,
On all my tables,
Fables are fine for fun,
But no life is won.
Love, is by breath bequeath,....................................(Genesis 2:7)
By God to guest,
Receives the best,
By which they manifest.
Into life may the guest bequeath,
This not unusual request,.....................................................................(Romans 12:1-3)
God’s very best,
Love’s action as life. ..............................................................................(1 John 4:7-8)
Void mind’s strife,
Lovingly love in life.
By love, avoid strife,
Cuts as a knife,
Your life. Read Hebrews 8:10,....................(The third covenant of your perfection.)
Begin again,
The heart to gen,
Love again.
Love is written in the heart,
Life cannot be lived apart!!
9-6-09 johnmosesfreeman@yahoo.com