Fairy Tales End
I humbly preyed as I cried.
I silently wept as I laughed time bye.
Happily waved a sour goodbye willing to let life walk on by.
Doubtfully thanked the stars that I’m out.
released from passion, resurrected from hate the source of love died to late.
Learning forgetfulness is a trait that I lack.
Forgot such luck when I welcomed you come back.
don’t worry I’m happy so calm to be born.
My smile may be fake but my heart must go one.
Tackling emotion can be pushed a side
I’m already weary my fairy tale died.
Passed on threw growing a notion that’s true
To wake up an realise no man will love you.
No reason to dream they never come true
fake twists of fate all tattered an torn.
Years of wishing make fairy tales boring.
I do despise those childhood lies of knights
and princes rescues and more an adventure a failure.
Pathetic hopes with pointless priers.
Childlike love has gotta come true, ignorance in knowing
it wont come to you.. Ha forget I’m done!
I’m worn from running to love yet being ran from.
Wearing all black my heart aint at stake it
matches the hate that remains on my face.
I wont love you is the same normal line
which equals you cant spare your time.
Did I ask for a prince or so godly knight
all I asked for was love yet you cant get that right
Dame it you ran as fast you speak asking “why do I love you”
Well the reasons mine now to keep.