Faith In Dialogue With the World
We have a beautiful liturgy
so dramatic and impressive
that one may be glued to it,
be involved and participate.
It presents a new movement,
along with its recurring theme,
a celebration of life and promises
that God, our Savior, makes us one.
He teaches us to serve others,
He teaches us to give humble service
He makes us aware that we’re followers
of his preaching to love one another.
It’s an act of self-giving to love others
as depicted in foot washing at the last Supper
where it happens on Maundy Thursday
as he institutes the Holy Eucharist
as well as the sacrament of priesthood.
It’s so rich with images and symbols
especially in our attitude of serving people
these are reminders that we’ve a role,
a mission to fulfill, a faith to proclaim.
In my own country where there’s poverty,
corruption, injustice, and inequality;
it’s a chance to incarnate in reality
what the gospel teaches us to do.
Though some hurdles may hinder
to move freely and be with the poor
yet the love of God for these people
is our priority, the preferential option.