Faith'N Begorragh
Scot Dane Gael Celt all went into the meld
Brit and Moor aye even more it took to make
This Erin brood that kills itself
All in the name of Christ
Who was this chief
This pure white thief to take
To set this price
Who’s stolen Irish fame
And in its place in name of grace
Has caused her so much shame?
Has some fool put out druid eyes
Removed their tongues
Cut off their ears
To cause this foolish waste of tears
Celt warriors would despise?
Where is the love of growing green
The taste of love so seldom seen
In other races who have been
Less noble less inspired
Is grudging blood too proud to say
We’re bloody sick and tired?
No Irish lad should have to carry
burdens meant to break him
Stand up and spit into God’s eye
and tell him you forsake him
Embrace your kin and worry not
about a heaven’s fears
Hold Truth and Honor high and dry
And wade through Shannon’s tears
To live and laugh and love and die
In long thick Irish years