Faith's Reward
What is faith,
But a decision one's own self has to make?
It is a conviction of one's own heart,
That if you are not going to finish...then never start.
It is up to one's own mind,
Whether to leap... or just stay behind.
It is a mother knowing her children will be just fine,
Or reading all the signs.
It is a child trusting their parents,
Knowing that one day you will be happy for the experience.
It is a spouse who shines adoration from within,
When they look at you, its as if light radiates from within.
It is a friend whom you can trust,
A heart you must surrender before it can rust.
It is, in its most basic form, bliss,
It maybe elusive but it does still exist.
I have confidence in my faith and certainty too,
That is what has brought me to you.
Someone who would take me as I am,
To patch the flood in my heart and build a dam.
Someone to love me for me,
Who would not turn and flee.
Someone who would sacrifice everything,
To ensure my heart kept beating.
So what is faith... but love in all its tomes,
And for each of us it is our own.
God saw my faith only grew...
And smiled...and that is when He sent me you.