Fallen Angel
She watched over me everyday and night she always knew what to say when tears
filled my eyes.
She taught me how to believe, live, love myself, and be strong she taught me what
a good heart will get you in the long run.
She held my hand even when I wasn’t afraid she told me I was beautiful everyday.
She accepted me for who I was and not what she wanted me: to be she told me the
best motivation will come from within me.
She told me this little secret that help me get through life and till this day I never
ask her why.
She told me “baby you have to smile sometimes to hide your pain your only regret
will be to look down on yourself because others do, love yourself before you love
the next and stay away from negative people.”
She was always talking about angels and how they can come in different disguise I
never question her or attempt to ask her why.
As I grew older I ask for an angel but I never knew that my whole life an angel lived
with me and that’s when God called her to her final sleep.
“Father could I have my angel back?” I wept one night.
And he came to me in disguise.
I ask my grandmother one night “will Mommy ever come back to say goodbye?”
“She’s here by spirit not body baby and goodbye she will never say because she still
lives on with us till this day.”
I could never understand why I couldn’t see my fallen angel before me.
“Sometimes you have to small baby to hide your pain” I could hear my great
grandmother say so I smile like it was my last day.
Still yet I fail to believe that my fallen angel has left this world without saying
goodbye to me.