Fallen Angels
Children of God but like Lucifer fallen angels too
Harboring both love and hate with everything we go through
Talk of world peace that seizes to exist
Giving into temptations too good to resist
Inner peace ridden off and quickly dismissed
Opportunities to be kind are too often missed
Soldiers sent away to foreign lands
For the love of their country they proudly take a stand
I often wonder what we are truly fighting for
Can peace really be obtained by so much bloodshed and war
Freedom surely comes at a price furthest from free
Ask families of fallen soldiers how it came to be
Small slices of heaven on earth among a living hell
Will you walk into the light or reside where darkness dwells
Both reside within and surround us each and every day
A battle of balancing good and evil gets harder as further from faith we stray
We are all human and the struggle is real, yet we are all capable of choosing love each day
In the meantime for world peace I'll continue to pray