Falling Angel
You’re like an Angel
Fallen from heaven.
I never did think
It was you
All this time.
I didnt think
I would be
The lucky girl,
To have you,
To hold you.
I think of you
Everywhere i go.
I feel you eyes
On me everywhere i go
You’re the one
I want to
Trust my heart with
To keep it safe
From harms way
I can’t imagine
My life without you
Now, its very
Difficult to do.
There’s that one phrase
I want to say
But i’m afraid
To tell you
Scared of what your
Reaction might be
I care for you deeply
As i do for my family
It’s hard for me
To understand how
I have you as mine.
And why i already do.
It’s a mystery to me
How it happened
I’m glad that you’re mine
You’re my fallen angel!